7 Stories to Help You Get Through the Coronavirus Crisis
With all the negative news recently, we decided to gather some of our favorite uplifting stories during the coronavirus epidemic. During difficult times, we must remember that love is more important than ever.
Tell us which story was your favorite by commenting below!

1) Man Thanks ER Nurses For Saving His Wife’s Life
A heartwarming photo from an ER nurse went viral after she posted it on social media.
The woman, Paige, was working at the Morristown Medical Center in New Jersey when she looked out the window. A man was standing outside, one hand holding up a sign and the other over his heart. The sign read: “Thank you all in emergency for saving my wife’s life; I love you all.”
Paige wrote this on her Instagram page:
“In triage the other day, I heard a knock on the window… this was what I saw- this man knew he couldn’t come in but wanted to show some gratitude- I asked through the window if I could snap a picture and he nodded, he had tears pouring down his face- I peeked out the door and asked him how his wife was- he said “great, she is going home today, you are all amazing” I don’t know him, I dont know his wife, but through out the last 13 years as a nurse, I realized, this is why we do it- times are tough but we make a difference. I love my team.”

2) Australian Sikh Community Sending Thousands of Meals to Elderly and Vulnerable Population
The Sikh community in Australia has recently donated thousands of meals for those at most risk from catching COVID-19.
One group known as “Turbans of Australia” in Sydney has currently donated more than 1.5 tons of food. With the new self-isolation rule, they are prioritizing those who cannot regularly shop for basic non-perishable goods like the elderly, disabled, and immunocompromised citizens.
A volunteer truck-driver, Amar Singh, further explains their decision: “The health directive of the mandatory 14-day self-isolation has left many people unable to provide for themselves. We don’t want anyone to miss out on essentials.”
Another organization based in Melbourne called the “Sikh Volunteers of Australia” have delivered 1,000 home-cooked meals to the elderly and others who were unable to go grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic. They specifically targeted the city’s south-eastern neighborhoods.
Marpreet Singh, Sikh Volunteers of Australia’s vice president, told their local news the group knew they needed to do something when a self-isolation rule in Australia was made. The organization regularly gives out free food for the homeless twice a week, but now they are currently working around the clock to provide extra support to their community.

3) Person Leaves Out Little Free Pantry for Neighbors
A Twitter user from Chicago posted a photo of their neighbor’s Little Free Library outside of their home with the usual books replaced with essential goods.
A note inside read: “To help our neighbors affected by the COVID-19 crisis, this Little Free Library is converted to a Little Free Pantry. Take what you need and if you can, please donate what you can spare!”
People in the comments also shared their own stories of others doing the same; a great idea for anyone who wants to help out their neighbors!

4) Teacher Writes 100 Letters to Students After School Closes for the Year
Although the Andover Central Middle School in Andover, Kansas closed for the year due to coronavirus concerns, one sixth grade Social Studies teacher decided to make sure her students knew she was thinking about them and their safety.
Victoria Bay, 29, realized she couldn’t say a proper goodbye to her students when the school district made their announcement. She settled for doing something special instead.
Bay wrote a letter and included a personalized note for all 100 students in her classes. She enclosed it in decorated envelopes and sent them two days after the news broke.
“I wanted them to know that I instantly thought of them in that moment that [school] was canceled and I’m so thankful for the memories that we created together,” Bay said. “I am really thankful for them and I wanted them to know that they’d be on my mind.”

5) Siblings Send Handmade Cards to Nursing Home Residents
Schools closing around the globe means a lot of children have ample amounts of free time. One group of siblings are taking the opportunity to use this downtime to spread some love and kindness.
The France family in Massachusetts have been busy drawing pictures and writing letters to the seniors in local nursing homes during the coronavirus crisis.
“The kids love to do anything arts and crafts and thinking about how stressed everybody is, [we] thought, ‘What can we do to make everybody happy? How can we help?'” mom Vanessa France told GMA.
The family hopes their letters and drawings bring a little joy and comfort during this difficult time.

6) Teens Go On Grocery Store Runs for Neighbors
73-year-old Jimmy Kraft has been self-isolating at home during the COVID-19 outbreak and found himself unable to shop. Finding time to safely buy supplies while raising his severely handicapped grandson has been almost impossible during the past few weeks.
That’s when he heard about Teens Helping Seniors, a local service project in his community.
Matthew Casertano and Druv Pai are two high school teens in Maryland who devised a way for their fellow peers to get together and delivery goods for those in need.
Once Kraft contacted them, he soon found Casertano and Pai at his doorstep with a bag full of groceries.
Volunteers at Teen Helping Seniors make sure to maintain proper social distancing and take meticulous care when shopping and delivering. They wear gloves, wipe down bags they deliver, and always offer curbside pickup.
The idea came to the two teens when they shopped for their grandparents. They realized how many other seniors needed help, so they distributed flyers around the area offering their services. Now, the small gesture of kindness has blossomed into a full-on service with several other volunteers from different high schools.
“This was tremendously helpful,” said Mr. Kraft. “It truly is so amazing that teenagers would spend their time helping one of the most vulnerable populations. I am very grateful for their help and hope that more kids will join them in their efforts.”

7) School Parents Pooled Thousands of Dollars as Thank You to Janitorial Staff
Appreciative parents in Williston, Vermont donated money to school janitors who worked a two-day cleaning spree to cleanse the city’s campuses.
While the schools were closed amid the coronavirus panic, the janitorial staff went to work on disinfecting everything from top to bottom.
Mother Brooke Thomas got the idea when one janitor became ill at her child’s school while working. She had been discussing the incident on a Facebook group with other parents and they all agreed they should raise money for those putting themselves at risk for the safety of others.
“I said we need to recognize that these staff members who are going into potential contamination and a disaster zone, really, and putting themselves at risk,” Thomas told CNN. “It’s already an under-appreciated job as it is, and not one that gets a lot of respect. It was a feel-good way to get people to recognize that.”
Thomas created a Facebook fundraiser, hoping raise at least $200. She woke up the next day with hundreds of donations and a total of $7,000.
Read more about the story or read 5 Real Stories That Remind Us to Celebrate Moms.
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