When Amy Santora received a random text sent to someone named Julianne, she wasn’t sure what to think.
The text explained that the sender was unable to resell his two NHL playoff tickets to Game 2 of the hockey playoffs between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Nashville Predators, and that he’d be leaving them at the Will Call window for anyone who wanted them.

While Amy and her husband were both hockey fans, they hadn’t been to a game in 22 years. Amy took a chance and texted the stranger back explaining that his message was unintentionally sent to her, but that she’d be happy to take the tickets. The gentleman apologized for his error and was happy to leave the tickets at the arena under Amy’s name, insisting that he did not want any money for them, even though they cost a total of $329. Amy and her husband ended up having a terrific time and best of all, their favorite team, the Penguins, won 4-1.
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