On June 11 Hundreds of People Helped #FillTheSteps Against Gun Violence at the Philadephia Museum of Art.

With the help of Love Ambassador Helen Ubiñas, students from the Parkway Center City Middle College hosted the third annual #FillTheSteps movement to raise awareness about gun violence.
Months ago, many Philly students struggled to understand why the public never paid much attention to their daily struggles with gun violence. People had latched onto the Parkland school massacre, but did not acknowledge those effected every day in the streets of Philadelphia. They felt as if they didn’t matter as much.
Love Button helped connect the affected Parkland students with the torn Philadelphians. Both parties were able to discuss in depth about their support of tighter gun control, and everyone felt heard. The #FillTheSteps event that occurred this past Monday demonstrated the confidence that had grown within a few months. The hundreds of people that showed up is evidence the Philly teens are not being pushed aside.
Change is in progress.
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