The Eugemot Orphange in Ghana – Update on a good news story full of extra-human effort and LOVE
We are almost there! Love Button wanted to provide our supporters with an update on the progress achieved at the Eugemot Orphanage, located in the Upper Volta Region of Ghana. Founded by Mama Eugenia, this special place is home to 56 orphans and the orphanage staff. We are pleased to report that through an enormous amount of love, seven years of tireless work, and 11,000 bricks made by hand, the Eugemot Orphanage in Ghana is almost complete.
However, an additional $2000 is required to finish the third building by Christmas. Love Button Ambassador Lou Harvey-Zahra has been leading the effort to raise funds for this important project, working in cooperation with the Venture Force Foundation.

To donate and help the orphanage reach this goal, please visit https://www.lovebutton.org/givelovecampaign/ and write in “Ghana Orphanage” in the Comments field. Any small donation is meaningful and supports the effort. Once the building is completed, there are plans to make access to food sustainable with a bakery, chicken run and planting pineapple trees.
At Love Button we support ‘Loving Initiatives’ and acts of human kindness. We are so grateful for your support along with the determined work of Lou Harvey-Zahra, Love Button Global Movement Ambassador from Australia.
Lou Harvey-Zahra is a teacher and parenting author. She often gives talks about her books, Happy Child, Happy Home and Creative Discipline, Connected Family to raise money for the orphanage. She presents to parents and teachers across Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, spreading the ‘pause and love’ message wherever she travels.
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