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  • May182022
    Role Reversal

    Role Reversal

    Caring for aging parents can improve your relationship with them.

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  • May112022

    Firefighters Across the U.S. Help Daughter Make Her Dad a Special Gift

    Alli Marios decided to start a birthday project for her dad who had recently retired from the Des Moines Fire…

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  • Apr202022
    An Unusual Pairing: Love Trees

    An Unusual Pairing

    Love Trees occur when two trees of different species end up growing around, through, and even within each other

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  • Apr112022
    Stranger's Act of Kindness Save a Family's Vacation

    Stranger’s Act of Kindness Saves a Family’s Vacation

    While on their way to Mexico for a family vacation, Kristen Marten realized she had forgotten her youngest son's medication.

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  • Mar152022
    Matching Minds: Brain patterns of friends are similar

    Matching Minds

    Science is now showing that friends are drawn together not just because they like the same kind of music or…

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  • Mar072022
    Florist Donates Flowers to Widows on Valentine's Day

    Florist Donates Flowers to Widows on Valentine’s Day

    A North Carolina woman celebrated love on Valentine's Day by delivering flower arrangements to widows.

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  • Feb162022
    Love at first sight

    Love at First Sight

    We've all seen it in movies: someone sees a person they've never met and it's love at first sight. It's…

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  • Feb082022
    Football Team Helps Shovel Snow for the Elderly

    Football Team Helps Shovel Snow for the Elderly

    During a snowstorm warning, a high school football coach decided to swap his team's usual weight training practice with snow…

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  • Jan172022
    The Science of Smiling: Telling a fake smile from a real one

    The Science of Smiling

    What makes the difference between a fake smile and a real one?

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