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  • Jul312014
  • Jul152014
    Chris martin lovebutton

    Chris Martin Remembers to Pause & Love on the Streets of Newton

    “A Sky Full Of Stars” is an uplifting song with a beautiful video to accompany it. Colplay’s video is the…

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  • May232014
    Coldplay Lovebutton

    A Lovely Encounter With Coldplay Frontman Chris Martin By Laura Slobin Before last week, I only dabbled in Coldplay.  I knew their hits and would turn up…

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  • Jan272014

    Mother Forgives Her Son’s Killer

    See how love helped a mother forgive the man who killed her son in 1993. Not only that, he’s now…

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  • Jan272014

    Survivor of Rwandan Genocide Forgives Attackers

    A survivor of the Rwandan genocide in the mid 1990’s struggles with forgiving the assailants who killed members of her…

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  • Jan272014

    A Nurse’s Love — A Son’s Return

    For a Los Angeles writer, a routine story becomes the catalyst for a synchronistic sequence of events that prove love…

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  • Jan272014

    Love Unplugged

    Okay, so you should totally get it by now. Love is in people, not things. It’s amazing how much time…

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  • Jan272014
    Virtual Friends - Real Loneliness - Dr. Habib Sadeghi

    Virtual Friends–Real Loneliness

    It seems that the more virtual friends we have, the lonelier we get. That’s because we’ve traded conversation for convenience.

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  • Jan212014

    50 Ways To Love Today

    Our official starter launch pad of 50 Ways to Spread Love Today. #PauseandLove

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