New Blog

  • Feb082017
    Sisters Have Prayed Non-Stop - Love Button

    Sisters Have Prayed Non-Stop for 100 Years

    If you walk into the Chapel of Divine Love in Philadelphia, PA, you’re sure to find one or more Pink…

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  • Jan102017
    human library organization - where actual people are on loan to readers instead of books — are a way to highlight the common ground.

    Libraries full of human ‘books’ are spreading across the country

    Human Library Organization is creating a bridge for people of completely opposing viewpoints to connect in a judgement-free zone.

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  • Jan102017
    First Tiny House will Allow Homeless Rent

    First Detroit Tiny House will Allow Homeless Rent

    A non-profit organization out of Detroit, Michigan is loving their homeless community by building tiny homes.

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  • Jan102017
    The combination of a loving heart and an intelligent mind is a world-changing concoction

    College Student Recycled Hotel Soap to Save Thousands of Cambodians From Disease

    The combination of a loving heart and an intelligent mind is a world-changing concoction!

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  • Dec192016

    Love Button Honors Moira Kelly Creating Hope Foundation

    While passing through Australia on his band’s world tour, Chris Martin of Coldplay decided to stop by and make a…

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  • Dec012016

    Announcement: Our Newly Designed Magnetic Buttons

    At last, we are thrilled to debut our newly designed Love Button 2.0!

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  • Nov222016

    How This 16-Year-Old Gymnast With One Leg Beat Leukemia To Become An Inspiration

    Love has the power to overcome a seemingly unbearable fate. Kate Foster is a shining example of how the love…

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  • Nov222016

    Iraqi lieutenant reunites with his family

    An Iraqi soldier, First Lieutenant Salam, embodied the Love Button Global Movement when he Paused and Loved on the family…

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  • Nov162016
    Dreamball and Love Button Global Movemennt

    American Cancer Society DreamBall After Dark

    On September 28th, the Personal Care Products Council Foundation in collaboration with the American Cancer Society and the Professional Beauty…

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