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  • Dec132020
    4th Annual Baskets of Gratitude - Support In-Need Families

    SUCCESS: 4th Annual Baskets of Gratitude to Support In-Need Families

    Thanks to your help, our annual Baskets of Gratitude event will be spreading the love to families in need across…

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  • Dec022020
    Fostering Friendships

    Fostering Friendships

    As we grow older, work and other obligations leave us with less time to make new connections.

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  • Dec012020
    Anonymous Neighbor Buys New Scooter to Replace Kid’s Stolen One

    Neighbor Replaces Kid’s Stolen Scooter

    One kindhearted neighbor went out of their way to restore joy to a kid who had his scooter stolen.

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  • Nov242020
    Love in War The Christmas Truce of WWI

    Love in War

    It might not seem possible that love can exist in the midst of war or that it has the power…

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  • Nov112020
    Foster Dad Adopts 5 Siblings

    Foster Dad Adopts 5 Siblings

    As someone who spent time in foster care, Carter knows firsthand how difficult it is to be removed from home…

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  • Oct262020
    What Love Sounds Like: A mother's voice

    What Love Sounds Like

    As infants, we know that love has a particular sound, and it's the sound of our mother's voice.

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  • Oct202020
    Man Tweets ‘I Am Not Ok,’ Receives Support from Thousands of Strangers

    Man Tweets ‘I Am Not Ok,’ Receives Support from Thousands

    A recent viral tweet demonstrated how giving a little bit of love and support to someone can produce huge, life-changing…

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  • Oct072020
    Newlywed Couple Delivers Flowers and Joy to Others

    Newlywed Couple Delivers Flowers and Joy to Others

    Instead of throwing out the flower arrangements used at their wedding, one couple decided to give them away.

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  • Sep252020
    The Look of Love: The famous “still face” experiment

    The Look of Love

    Research shows humans are extremely sensitive to interaction through facial expression from infancy and whether positive or negative, the effect…

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