…from some of the best lover letters ever written
While gifts and flowers are wonderful expressions of how we feel about someone, no other single declaration of love throughout history has had a greater and lasting impact on people than the love letter. When we take the time to explain in words not just that we love someone but how much, why, and what life would be like without that love, it binds us to our loved ones in ways that simpler expressions cannot.
In examining some of the most famous love letters ever written we find some common choices that can help you write a love letter that’s sure to make your sweetheart swoon. Tell them how much you love them and how your love has evolved. Mention the things you love about their appearance, abilities, body, and personality, and share how being together makes you feel. Explain that you’ll love them unconditionally and how you appreciate that they understand you better than anyone else. Tell them how they give you what you need and how just the sight or thought of them excites you. Show appreciation for what they helped you through, and let them know how difficult it is to be separated from them. Say what life would be like without them, and if words fail you at some point, admit it—that’s romantic, too.
Let’s look at several examples.

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