Using His Savings, Michigan Man Fills Up Gas Tanks for Nurses Heading to Nearby Hospital
A compassionate man in Michigan decided to use his savings to help nurses at his nearby hospital.
The man, Allen Marshall, was originally saving up to buy himself a special knife-sharpening tool when COVID-19 began spreading globally. He felt inspired to do something nice when he dropped off his wife—who is an essential worker—at her work shift at the local Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Marshall spent two days at an Exxon gas station near the Detroit Medical center and held up a sign that said “FREE GAS FOR NURSES.” He wanted nurses to know that he was grateful for their dedication during this epidemic.
“I just love them and I want them to know that,” he explained.
During those two days, Marshall bought gas for up to 80 people. He spent $900 in total.
One nurse commented that it was “so nice of him.”
“That’s so good. God bless him.”
When Marshall ran out of the money he had saved up, he flipped the sign to reveal another message her had prepared that read: “THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!!” He waved it to every first responder and essential worker that passed by the station.
Another woman who heard about Marshall’s good heart went to help as well. Her nephew is a nurse, so she understood the need to go the extra mile to thank essential workers.
“It just kills me every day to know that he’s going to work. I don’t know if he could get sick or what’s going to happen,” she said. “They’re heroes and we need to do what we can to support them.”
The woman, Alana, bought another $200 worth of gas for Marshall’s cause.
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