Cafe Owner Delivers Free Soup to Stranger Going Through Chemo for Over a Year
JC Café in Cary, Illinois is renowned by locals as a place that serves dozens of delicious soups. The owner, Juan Carlos Beristain, makes it fresh every morning by using seasonal ingredients from a nearby marketplace.
Beristain first learned about Noah Dionesotes when he noticed his mother was coming into the restaurant often to pick-up food for her son. The café owner then saw a Facebook post from a neighbor commenting about the man’s condition – and his love for JC Café’s soup.
Several years ago, Dionesotes was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. He has been treating his chronic condition with chemotherapy, but the combination of being wheelchair-bound and the rounds of chemo means he rarely has the strength to leave his own house. Getting soup every day was a luxury to him.
Then, over a year ago, Dionesotes messaged Beristain on Facebook to let him know that the vegan soup was not only delicious but was the perfect nutritional aid for his healthcare. The chef was touched.
The next time Dionesotes’ mother came to pick up soup, Beristain asked for the man’s home address. He found out that the house was only 15 minutes away from the restaurant.

Immediately, the owner filled a few cups of fresh soup and brought them to Dionesotes’ house.
Dionesotes was shocked, and beyond grateful. He tried to pay for the soup, but the chef declined any forms of payment.
“I really feel when other people are in pain,” Beristain said. “I felt that I could help him at least by delivering the soup that he likes, with the nutrition that is going to help him.”
“He’s like, ‘I only want to see you get better,’” Dionesotes remembers.
Even though it had already happened, Dionesotes was shocked again when Beristain appeared at his doorstep for a second time with more soup a few days later.
For more than a year Beristain has been delivering free soup to Dionesotes multiple times a week. The men are now close, the café owner having met Dionesotes’ wife and children.
“I think the guy’s a saint,” Dionesotes stated. “He’s an amazing human.”
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