Loving life often means loving your job
Because we spend one-third of our lives working, having a job we love goes a long way toward creating a life that we love. If we love our life, then we have more love to give other people, and that’s a good thing. Unfortunately, over half of all working Americans hate their jobs and yet, because we spend so much time at work, the stress from those jobs plays a role in poorer health.
Whether you’re a new jobseeker or looking to change careers, you’ll have better luck finding a job you love if you prioritize the things you need most, some of which may be more important than a large salary. In fact, just chasing money is the best way to end up in a job you hate. In most cases, it’s better to focus on improved job conditions you’ll experience every day, rather than a large paycheck you’ll only see every two weeks. To find a job you love, consider some of these aspects, and don’t be afraid to ask about them in interviews.
1. Flexibility, freedom or autonomy
A great company respects that you have a life outside of work. The ability to adjust the start and end times of your workday will help you get to personal appointments and take care of family matters with a lot less stress. If you’re not in a career that offers schedule flexibility, what would it take to switch to one that does?

2. Work-life balance
It’s always healthier to leave work at work when you’re home. While there may be times when you need to be reached after hours, always needing to check for texts and emails is the fast track to burnout and trouble in your home life. If you never get a chance to recharge and unwind, you won’t be your best at home or work.
3. Company culture
Different companies have different personalities. The work environment and philosophy at Google is going to be very different than IBM. Are you the type of person that likes lots of social activities for employees and teambuilding exercises that improve inclusivity or are you more independent, preferring to do things on your own? Research a company’s culture before applying.
4. Realistic Expectations
The best companies know their employees can only get so much done in a day. Projects are planned far enough ahead to accommodate unexpected problems, and employees are given clear instructions about what’s expected of them, along with all the tools and support to achieve it.
5. Goal-setting
No one likes repetitive work, and the best companies will set attainable goals as a way to inspire and motivate employees. Meeting these goals provides a sense of accomplishment that encourages employees to work with more drive and optimism.
6. Good Salary
The best companies recognize the demands of a particular job and assign an appropriate salary. At the same time, they regularly reward good work with raises and compensate accordingly as responsibility increases. A good company always provides competitive salaries that are within the range of what other companies offer for the same or similar position.

7. Good Benefits
Remember that things like health insurance, vacation and sick time, and 401K and pension plans are all considered part of your “salary” package. In some cases, it might be best to take a slightly smaller salary if the benefits are much better. These things need to be weighed based on your needs. Sometimes, better benefits can provide more security and peace of mind than an extra $10,000 per year.
8. Communication
A company that cares what you think will provide an open-door policy that allows employees to express their ideas and concerns. Too often, management is out of touch with the challenges of daily production. Employees are the best source of information for improving production and company culture. When they participate in the betterment of the company, they become more invested in it.
9. Advancement Opportunities
Having the option to advance through promotions or take continuing education courses paid for by the company to further your career provides professional momentum that’s vital to any long-term career. When a company invests in the betterment of its employees, it’s investing in the growth of its business.
10. Challenging Work
No one likes to be bored, and fulfilling work that’s also a bit hard helps employees grow by honing new skills. A job where conditions can change, resulting in new challenges, helps build flexibility and creativity in getting the job done.
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