Love Button’s Integrative Research and Outreach Program is Funding a Lecture Series Focusing on Student Wellness.
Originally posted on PolyCentric
A distinguished lecture series supporting the psycho-social needs of Cal Poly Pomona students will launch in February 2019, thanks to a $50,000 endowment to the College of Science provided by the Love Button Global Movement Integrative Research and Outreach Program.
Love Button, founded by alumnus Dr. Habib Sadeghi (’91, microbiology) and his wife Dr. Sherry Sami, supports initiatives promoting physical and mental health, such as parent workshops, homeless outreach and prison projects. The couple’s idea for the nonprofit organization formed after Sadeghi was diagnosed with cancer in 1997 while he was a medical student. A week after having a comforting conversation with his close friend, Sadeghi wrote the word “Love” on his palm before going into surgery, later creating and wearing a Love Button as a reminder that healing comes from choosing love.
The organization’s values will inspire the lecture topics, kicking off with “From Stress and Anxiety to Resilience and Success,” from Alane Daugherty, a Cal Poly Pomona lecturer and co-founder of the university’s Mind and Heart Research Lab. The first lecture will provide information and techniques to help reframe students’ unhealthy perceptions and reactions to personal experiences to help manage their lives in a healthier way.
“People will learn how to rewire their stress response and experience life from a state of calm and connectedness,” Daugherty said. “Through a better understanding of the physiology of stress, attendees will gain a blueprint for change and get practical tips they can apply in their daily lives and cultivate expansiveness and possibility.”

Daugherty’s research focuses on emotional healing and neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt throughout a person’s lifetime. Supported by scientific research, emotional responses associated with past experiences often trigger similar responses in current experiences, even though the present situation may be different. Individuals who can recognize their triggers and alter their reactions by actively practicing healthier responses could replace unhealthy emotions and actions. Repeating their new mind frame will reprogram the brain at a biochemical level, allowing individuals to improve their mental and emotional well-being.
Daugherty’s lecture is scheduled for Feb. 5, 2019 from noon to 12:45 p.m. in Ursa Minor, Bronco Student Center, with a repeat presentation from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Ursa Major. Doors open at 11:40 for the daytime presentation and 7 for the evening presentation. Light refreshments will be served.
Register for the free event at lovebutton-lecture.eventbrite.com.
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