Live. Love. Laugh.

Real stories around the globe that spread the universal message of LOVE

  • Jan272014

    Survivor of Rwandan Genocide Forgives Attackers

    A survivor of the Rwandan genocide in the mid 1990’s struggles with forgiving the assailants who killed members of her family until she finds the power in her heart.

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  • Jan272014

    A Nurse’s Love — A Son’s Return

    For a Los Angeles writer, a routine story becomes the catalyst for a synchronistic sequence of events that prove love has the power to unite people and heal wounds across…

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  • Jan272014

    Love Unplugged

    Okay, so you should totally get it by now. Love is in people, not things. It’s amazing how much time you get back when you decided to unplug from your…

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  • Jan272014
    Virtual Friends - Real Loneliness - Dr. Habib Sadeghi

    Virtual Friends–Real Loneliness

    It seems that the more virtual friends we have, the lonelier we get. That’s because we’ve traded conversation for convenience.

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  • Jan212014

    50 Ways To Love Today

    Our official starter launch pad of 50 Ways to Spread Love Today. #PauseandLove

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  • Jan202014
    Love Lab - Love is Science

    Love Lab

    Love isn’t just sweetness. It’s science, too. Love isn’t passive. It’s powerful.

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  • Jan202014

    A Labor of Love

    For those who come to Dr. Sadeghi’s office, it’s nearly impossible to miss the instantly recognizable red and white Love buttons. That’s because they’re everywhere—on the coffee table, reception desk,…

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  • Dec292013
    Queen speaking of forgiveness

    The Queen Speaking of reconciliation & forgiveness

    WOW – The Christmas truce of 1914 – Speaking of reconciliation & forgiveness – Healing?

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  • Dec272013

    Mother Revives Stillborn Baby with Love

    Kate and David Ogg of Australia gave birth to fraternal twins at just 27 weeks. The little girl survived the premature birth, but the son was not breathing. After 20…

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  • Oct272013

    Natural Disaster Creates Cooperation

    After a tsunami ravages Aceh, Indonesia and kills 200,000 people in 2004, rebels and leaders come together to rebuild the city. The truce that came out of love and forgiveness…

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