Global Pause – Open Your Heart to a Nation of Peace and Join us on January 30th at the Meditation Museum
Our government leaders need our good wishes and positive energy. With partisan feelings high and the partial government shutdown continuing, many people are suffering. We sense that the hearts of our leadership have tightened and that ego is getting in the way of their service to the nation. It’s time we lead with our humanity.
What if you were calm? And I was calm? And together we were calm… … just for a moment?
Join us Wednesday, January 30th at 6:30pm, as the Meditation Museum and LiveaMoment’s Global Pause in collaboration with The Love Button, bring together a coalition of civic leaders, organizations and community members committed to bringing moments of Pause to the Congress!
Meditation Museum
9525 Georgia Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Wednesday, January 30th
6:30- 8:30pm
Guest Speakers:
Sister Jenna- Meditation Museum
Representative Jamie Ruskin
Deborah Greene – LiveaMoment/ Global Pause
John Marino- The Love Button
RSVP: Click Here
Starting in January LiveaMoment’s Global Pause comes to Washington, in partnership with Pathways to Peace, National Meditation Museum, America Meditating Radio, The Love Button, and The Peace Alliance, we are giving our elected officials the greatest gift of all – a nation unified in creating a moment of peace and open dialogue starting with just one moment to pause.
Our request:
We would like to visit you on the Hill and spend a moment to discuss more about this initiative and how to get involved with this unifying weekly moment of pause.
We ask that you and your staff join our Global Pause Initiative to pause at the beginning of every week, 9am or noon EST, helping to create a wave of calm and civility to the conversation… even for one moment at a time.
Please let us know if there is a time that would you suit you in the coming weeks for us to come in and also please let us know how many wish to attend our evening, January 30th.
Here’s to a greater peace,
Deborah Greene
Sister Dr. Jenna
National Meditation Museum
John Marino
Love Button Movement

LiveaMoment’s Global Pause Initiative…
LiveaMoment is a movement dedicated to the worldwide creation, support and funding of peace initiatives. The LiveaMoment app is a platform to connect people globally in daily moments of pause, teach emotional intelligence, and promote unity among groups. The app allows you to take a pause, identify your emotions and see how you fit in with those of others across the world. (Click for Free LiveaMoment IOS App)
America Meditating Radio is an engaging and learning experience and syndicated radio show that features best life practices for current every day issues. Listen to ideas and teachings by celebrities, politicians, inspirational community leaders, and the best authors in personal growth, well-being, spirituality, productivity, science, politics, business, and more.
Pathways To Peace (PTP) is an international Peacebuilding, Educational and Consulting organization dedicated to making Peace a practical reality.
The Love Button Global Movement fosters loving acts of kindness, collaborating with organizations and individuals who transform and uplift the lives of our human family.
National Meditation Museums are operated by the Brahma Kumaris, a worldwide spiritual organization based in Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, India, with over 9,000 meditation centers in 130 countries. The Meditation Museums located in Silver Spring, Maryland and McLean, Virginia are the only Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museums. We invite you to visit and tour our exhibits, meditate in our quiet room, explore our bookshop, or enjoy one of our classes or workshops.
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