Written By Dr. Habib Sadeghi – Co-Founder of Love Button Global Movement
Reaching medical students today to change healthcare tomorrow
Moving Medicine Forward
As Love Button friends may know, my wife, Sherry and I founded the Love Button Global Movement in 2013 in an effort to inspire people to engage in acts of kindness and generosity as a way to improve social cohesion. Since that time, Love Button has accomplished much through many exciting projects.
Because Sherry and I are both physicians, we wanted to create a new project that could bring the principles of Love Button like compassion, empathy, connection, and a sense of community to healthcare in such a way that vastly improves the experience for both doctors and patients. The result of that intention and many months of planning is the Continuing Alternative Medical Education (C.A.M.E.) initiative, a two-day seminar for medical students interested in alternative methods of healing and moving medicine forward in the 21st century.
Integrative Education
Through an engaging and interactive experience, C.A.M.E offer medical students vital information on holistic healing and integrative medicine that they never receive in medical school. As an exploration into the principles of anthroposophic, environmental, and psychosomatic medicine, as well as German new medicine and Chinese medicine, C.A.M.E. introduces medical students to the body’s greater capacity to heal itself and broadens their perspective of what health is and how it can be achieved without an over-reliance on drugs and surgery. It awakens medical students to the reality that there is a third way to treat patients that’s less invasive, less toxic, and more holistic, often with better outcomes when integrated with their existing education.
Heart-Centered Healing
C.A.M.E. also places equal emphasis on heart-centered healing skills. In a healthcare industry driven by profit, doctors are spending less time with patients, which is why the quality of how that time is spent is so important. Today, more than half of all patients say their doctors don’t listen to them and often report interactions where they felt rushed, ignored or disrespected. Research shows that better relationships between doctors and patients lead to better communication and ultimately better outcomes. This is why C.A.M.E. provides training for medical students in skills like heart-centered listening, perception checking, reading non-verbal cues, compassion, and empathy. Also included are lessons on collaboration and leadership for improved working relationships with future colleagues.
Changing Healthcare
At present, Sherry and I are conducting C.A.M.E. seminars at the Western University of Health Sciences campuses in Pomona, CA and Lebanon, OR. Our larger goal is to eventually expand this introductory course into a formal integrative medical track with the intention of creating a Master’s degree in mind-body medicine or Consciousness Medicine.
This is an ambitious project but one we’re passionate about and believe we can accomplish with your help. If you’ve ever benefited from alternative medicine or believe that healthcare needs to fundamentally change in a more holistic and patient-centered way then I ask you to please consider making a donation to the C.A.M.E. initiative on this site. Because Love Button is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, your donation is tax-deductible. Please be sure to designate that it is for the C.A.M.E. initiative.
Reaching young medical students today while their minds are still open is how we create a paradigm shift in healthcare tomorrow. Thank you for being a part of that change!
Dr. Habib Sadeghi
The Love Button Global Movement is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that promotes a culture of love by inspiring our human family to act with loving kindness in our daily lives and supports humanitarian and educational programs that empower individuals and uplift communities locally and globally.
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