Jan102017Love Button Global Movement
First Detroit Tiny House will Allow Homeless Rent
inA non-profit organization out of Detroit, Michigan is loving their homeless community by building tiny homes.
Jan102017Love Button Global Movement
College Student Recycled Hotel Soap to Save Thousands of Cambodians From Disease
inThe combination of a loving heart and an intelligent mind is a world-changing concoction!
Nov142016Love Button Global Movement
Researchers Use Love and Technology to Help Make Music
inLove overcomes obstacles and empowers people, no matter the circumstance. The thought of losing motor function is highly terrifying to…
Aug302016Love Button Global Movement
Walk with Love
in"Walk with Love" is modified with humility from a Traditional Navajo Prayer by The Old Soul Doctor
Mar042016Love Button Global Movement
Men Save Mother and Child From Sinking SUV
inFour bystanders became local heroes after they dived in to rescue a mother and her toddler who were trapped inside…