Creative ways to propose so they’ll say yes
Love in marriage is one of the most beautiful experiences we can have in relationships. Popping the question, however, can come with a lot of stress because it’s the first time you’ll make an “official” commitment to each other and the beginning of your intended life together. Naturally, everyone wants that moment to be memorable and special. Unfortunately, not many people can purchase local ad time during their partner’s favorite TV show to play a video of them proposing or reprogram their partner’s favorite video game to drop down a ring and “Will you marry me?” banner when they hits a certain score. Yes, that’s been done before. Still, there are lots of ways to propose marriage that are special without spending a lot of time and money that you’ll both remember for years to come.
Red Velvet Ribbon
Tie a red velvet ribbon to one spot in your home then weave it around other things. Along the way, attach little notes and photos recalling wonderful times together. At the end of the path the last note reads, “Will you marry me?” with you waiting for their answer.
Curtain Call
Take them to a theater show or other performance they really love. Prearrange to have one of the cast members ask them to marry you from the stage.
Special Delivery
Go to a park, beach, or other beautiful area for a picnic. Prearrange with a friend to have the ring and proposal written on a card flown in on a drone. Pretend you know nothing about it until they reads the card.
High Flying
Go to the beach or lakeside and write “Will you marry me?” on either the underside or tail of a kite.
Caricature Question
If you’re on vacation or live hear a boardwalk, see if you can find an artist that does caricatures. Have the artist sketch you and your partner, but when the picture is turned around it’s an image of you proposing to them. Your word bubble says, “Will you marry me?” Their word bubble is blank. Hand them the pen.
Sweet Treat
Go out for Chinese food or get takeout. Find a moment to swap out their fortune cookie with one you have that contains a “Will you marry me?” message. Proposal fortune cookies are available online.

Good Read
Get two copies of a book you know they’ve been wanting to read. Hollow out a circle or heart shape about one inch deep in one book, and suspend the ring by a ribbon inside it. Present them with the book as a “just because” gift. After the big surprise, give them the intact version of the book.
Freeze Frame
If you’re on vacation, find a photo booth and have several strips of picture taken. In the midst of the photo shoot, pull the ring out and catch the moment of surprise in real time.
Memory Box
Similar to the Red Velvet Ribbon proposal but less involved. Find a beautiful keepsake wooden box. In it, place a number of photos and notes recalling special times together and reasons you appreciate them, all contained in individual envelopes. The last envelope contains the proposal and ring. Leave it in a place where you know they’ll find it and wait around the corner for their answer.
Piece by Piece
Enlarge a photo of the two of you together and add a “Will you marry me?” banner at the bottom. Use an online service to turn the image into a jigsaw puzzle. Lay it out on the table and ask their help to put it together.
Winter Wonders
If you’re proposing in the winter, carve your proposal in the snow somewhere you know they’ll see it. You might also build a snowman holding a sign with your proposal, then take a winter walk with them being sure to pass it by.
Altitude Adjustment
If you’re amusement park enthusiasts, propose at the top of the rollercoaster’s biggest hill. The rest of the ride will be even more exciting.
Deck the Halls
Decorate the Christmas tree together and hand them a bulb with the ring inside it. You can get clear, fillable Christmas tree bulbs at any craft store or online.
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