These Feel-Good Stories Celebrate Moms & Their Love
With Mother’s Day around the corner, we are honoring the power of a mother’s love with five feel-good stories. These examples show us why we should celebrate moms every day.
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We are also having a month long May sale as a celebration to moms around the globe. All Love Button products are 20% OFF, so head on over to lovebutton.org/shop to take advantage of this loving deal.

1) Mom Skips Own Graduation for Son’s Ceremony
Mother Sharonda Wilson and her son Stephen were both graduating from different universities but realized their commencement ceremonies were on the same day. Sharonda decided to support her son by missing her own commencement and attended Stephen’s graduation at Central Michigan University (CMU).
When CMU caught wind of the sacrifice Sharonda was going to make, the university president, Robert Davies, contacted Sharonda’s college president, David Eisler. Davies asked for permission to confer the mom’s degree on behalf of the university’s president and trustees. Eisler gave it to him.
In a now viral video, Sharonda is seen standing next to Stephen as she is officially awarded her bachelor’s degree.
“Dr. Davies really shocked me,” Stephen told the Detroit Free Press. “When I heard (she) was getting her degree I was speechless.
“My mother is truly the strongest and most compassionate woman I know. That moment tops (any) other moment I have ever shared with my mother.”
Watch the video below or read more about the story.

2) Mother Hands Out 200 Bags of Candy & Earplugs to Plane Passengers
On a flight to Seoul, South Korea to San Francisco, California, one thoughtful mother handed out 200 goodie bags to strangers on the 10-hour flight just in case her newborn started to cry.
Inside the goodie bag was a note, ear plugs, and a selection of sweets. A passenger named Dave Corona posted a photo online of the touching gesture and mentioned that he didn’t hear any noise from the child once.
“Hello, I’m Junwoo and I’m 4 months old,” the note said. “Today I’m going to the U.S. with my mom and grandmom to see my aunt. I’m a little bit nervous and [scared] because it’s my first flight in my life, which means I may cry or make too much noise. . . my mom prepared a little goodie bag for you! It has some candies and earplugs. Please use when it’s too noisey because of me. Enjoy your trip. Thank you :’)”

3) Mother Gives Gift of Life Twice by Donating Kidney to Daughter
For the past two years 12-years-old Alyse Naquin has battled kidney disease. When doctors told her she was in need of a transplant, her mother, Melissa Naquin immediately asked to be tested as a potential candidate.
It was a perfect match.
“I gave her life once, and I said, ‘Why not? We’re gonna give her life again,'” Melissa said.
The two had a successful surgery.
“It’s very special that my mom gave me a kidney,” Alyse commented after. “To not be on dialysis at night is awesome and to eat what I want, it’s like a whole new life.”
Together, the mother and daughter have raised over $25,000 for kidney disease research. They plan to continue and do what they can to help find a cure for other families.

4) Woman Becomes Mother to Over 1,000 Children
Earcylene Beavers wanted to have a lot of children when she grew up and she got her wish. Although she gave birth to only one daughter, she has mothered more children than she can count through the foster care system.
Every two weeks, newborns were dropped off at Earcylene Beavers’ home in Los Angeles. Many arrived at 2 or 3 in the morning, swaddled in only blankets because they had no clothes.
For 13 years, Beavers cared for these babies in 15-day intervals. Emergency social workers often had no place to take children during pressing cases, but thanks to foster moms like Beavers children could have temporary relief. Beavers maintained two cribs in her bedroom and took care of each child all while working full time.
Eventually Beavers transitioned to long-term foster parenting about 15 years ago. Over the course of three decades, she has taken care of over 1,000 foster children. She has even legally adopted three and became several others’ legal guardians.
Many kids she has welcomed into her home have called her “Mom USA.”

5) Mom’s Sacrifice for Son’s Education Pays Off
The moment her son Jakai Alexandre was born, Heidi Beaulac knew she was going to give him the best education she possibly could. When he was old enough, she found the private school system as an opportunity to do just that. The only issue? Tuition.
“Every single thing I could have sacrificed, I have,” said Beaulac, who is a single mother. “I never considered what I’m doing as anything special. It’s just my job.”
For just one year, tuition was almost $10,000 before financial aid kicked in. Beaulac began working two jobs six days a week and up to 17 hours a day to help pay the bills, often skipping meals to make sure Alexandre had enough. The single mom eventually had to sell her car and began walking or taking public transportation to work to save money.
More than a decade later, her sacrifice paid off. Her son, now 17, is the captain of his high school basketball team and will be attending college in the fall.
“I’m grateful because I know everything she does, and I don’t take any of it for granted,” Alexandre said. He will be the first person in the family to go to college.
Beaulac’s hard work throughout didn’t go unrewarded. Alexandre got granted a full scholarship by his chosen school, meaning the mother is now free of any financial burden. Although she knows some people would call her foolish for choice to take on the financial challenge, Beaulac says it was the right decision.
“If I had to do it again, I would,” she said. “The journey has been worth it.”
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