50 Ways To Love Today

50 Ways To Love Today
January 21, 2014 Love Button Global Movement
In Features

All right. So you’re not an expert at this love thing and you need some good ideas. You can only kiss grandma so many times. We know. Below you’ll find our official starter launch pad of 50 Ways to Spread Love Today.

  1. Hug someone who doesn’t expect it.
  2. Kiss someone.
  3. Hold the door for someone at a store or restaurant.
  4. Offer to walk someone’s dog for them.
  5. Send someone flowers for no reason.
  6. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store.
  7. Secretly pay for a stranger’s lunch and leave the love button for them with the cashier.
  8. Offer to mow someone’s lawn.
  9. Participate in hospital visitation programs for elderly patients who need company.
  10. Tutor students.
  11. Give a child you know a lesson in something you’re good at.
  12. Let someone else take that prime parking space.
  13. Water someone’s garden.
  14. Put a few quarters in a parking meter and leave the love button on the windshield.
  15. Write someone you love a handwritten letter.
  16. Send a real card in the real mail to someone you love for no reason.
  17. Take someone’s trash out.
  18. Give someone directions who needs to get somewhere.
  19. Give roadside assistance to someone.
  20. Invite someone who lives alone over for dinner.
  21. Buy a gift card and give it away.
  22. Shovel snow off your neighbor’s sidewalk.
  23. Give away something you don’t need to someone you know who needs it.
  24. Bring yummy baked goods to work and share them.
  25. Compliment someone.
  26. Buy a homeless person a sandwich.
  27. Talk to the guy at the party who looks like he feels out of place.
  28. Give someone else your seat on the bus/train/subway.
  29. Help someone with a home improvement project.
  30. Tell someone how much you appreciate them.
  31. Forgive someone of something you’ve been holding against them.
  32. Offer to help someone out with their bags at the grocery store.
  33. Buy a book for someone you know they’d enjoy.
  34. Offer your seat to someone at a crowded airport boarding gate.
  35. Take the kids and give your spouse an afternoon off.
  36. Hold the elevator for someone you see coming.
  37. Make someone a handmade craft as a gift…just because.
  38. Offer to housesit for someone while they’re away.
  39. Surprise someone with breakfast in bed.
  40. Ask someone who looks distressed if they’re okay.
  41. Offer to do the dishes or clean up at a dinner party you’ve been invited to.
  42. Be nice to a telemarketer.
  43. Share a great joke.
  44. Make a mix CD of someone’s favorite songs and give it to them.
  45. Call a relative who lives out of state for a catch up chat.
  46. Offer to babysit for someone so they can have a night out.
  47. Clean up graffiti or litter from someone’s home or yard.
  48. Rake leaves or grass for your neighbor.
  49. Return a shopping cart for a stranger all the way back to the store.
  50. Help someone who’s moving house.


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